Friday, November 24, 2006

Weird Things About Me

Firefly's tag


  • "Each player of this game starts with the “6 weird things about you”. People who get tagged need to write a blog post of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names."
I'm so normal it's sad. I'm really racking my brain here to think of something weird. I'm just boring.

1. I like food, but rarely feel motivated to eat. I mean hunger is not physically unpleasant for me, and often I don't notice that I haven't eaten all day until I move suddenly and feel a rush of dizziness. I've started working out to kick-start my appetite, but all it does is make me feel thirsty, so I drink lots of water and feel even less hungry. According to some, I need a keeper.

2. I'm happy alone. Not happiest, just content. I will go for a couple of days without talking to anyone or taking calls. It used to freak friends and family out, but I've trained them to get used to it. During my alone time I'm not doing any soul-searching or anything, I'm just recuperating from the little socializing I do the rest of the time.

3. I have these moments of complete shock at my existence, and a niggling suspicion that everything (me, the world, other people) is a dream in someone else's head. I can bring them on, but most often they take me by surprise. The first time I had this feeling I was about 9, and running away from home (which consisted of running away to my aunt's at the other end of town). I was on the bus, and this lady came on the bus with four little kids; they were crying and screaming and the lady was so overwhelmed I decided to entertain the little brats. Soon they were laughing and sitting still and the lady was so grateful. My stop approached and I decided to stay on the bus because one of the little ones was sleeping in my lap. That's when I had this surreal feeling that I wasn't real. It was freaky, to say the least. Since then it comes on maybe once or twice a year. I just sit still for a bit until I've convinced myself that it doesn't matter anyway.

4. That's it, that's all I can think of, except...

5. I don't know 6 people to tag!


SleepDepraved said...

Ok 4 is weird. You win! For real thou, that would freak me out to have thoughts like that. It reminds me of being John Malkovich movie.

SleepDepraved said...

Oppsie I meant 3. By the way, after such a long hiatus, a tag is what gets you to reappear ;)

wasmaniac said...

3 is very weird...but am envious of you. That should be a fine fealing, i imagine.

euhippus said...

SD, yeah the tagging works. Now I'm staring at my blog and overcome by a feeling of inadequacy. How can I pad it up? Should I do more of those personality quizzes? They are so silly, but they do take up space nicely. More pictures, maybe? Argh... to have even a fraction of BlueEpocha or Firefly's creativity!

Wasmaniac, the feeling is not too unpleasant, but I wouldn't describe it as a fine feeling. If it takes me unawares it's paralyzing. It's also slightly uncomfortable talking about it. Like when someone tells you "Don't think of a pink elephant", it's hard not to think it.

Firefly said...

#3 is really freaky. As for #1, I wish it was that easy for me not to eat.

NATIVE said...

Can i confess that I have the same experiences as #3. I don't talk about it much because i wouldn't know how to explain it some1.

I feel like i should acknowledge this the same way that joey acknowledged his hand twin in an episode of friends.....

It feels good 2 have some1 who has the same thoughts....but i kinda feel like I'm not that unique now :)

Schaan said...

#3 is really weird....
and not too far is #5 :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi euhippus,
I think I read almost every article in your blog and I really enjoyed it. maybe someone should tag you so you can come back and tend to this blog.
seriously your fans are waiting. :)

euhippus said...

At your service, Nahja.

Native Female, I for one am just glad someone understands. I'm getting tired of the "#3 is really weird" comments. Especially coming from someone called Siddharth!