Monday, February 13, 2006

Sarah McLachlan gets all conscientious

World On Fire

View more video clips at Yashi


SleepDepraved said...

I love her as an artist and after watching that video I have respect for her as a human being. The message it sends was enough to make my heart quiver with shame as I watched the poverty and strife around the world when we hold on the idea that our $100 won't do much in someone's life.

Flower.of.Chaos said...

Its a sad world full of misers we live in.

You seem like a natural blogger. Welcome.

euhippus said...

Oi, ya'll can see the last few posts I made? Somehow they are not showing up for me; might have to clean pc's cache or something.

SD, very true. I nearly cried with the bit about the little boy, too malnourished to even eat. I don't understand how, in one part of the world ppl are having their stomachs stapled so they don't overeat and get sick, while in another part lil kids are starving to death. It makes me so mad.

FOC, thanks, blogging is similar to keeping a diary (which I used to do as a kid) but only replace hair clippings (don't ask) with video clips and dried flowers with song lyrics.